Botox Units Required for Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating) by Body Area

Body Area Total Units Needed Units Per Side Injection Sites Duration Pain Level FDA Approval
Underarms (Axillary) 50–100 units 25–50 units per side 10–15 per armpit 4–6 months 🟢 Low ✅ Yes
Palms (Hands) 100–200 units 50–100 units per hand 20–30 per palm 4–6 months 🔴 High ❌ No (Off-label)
Soles (Feet) 100–200 units 50–100 units per foot 20–30 per sole 4–6 months 🔴 High ❌ No (Off-label)
Scalp (Craniofacial) 75–150 units N/A (varied areas) Scattered along hairline & scalp 4–6 months 🟡 Medium ❌ No (Off-label)
Forehead & Face 40–60 units N/A (varied areas) 10–20 points 3–5 months 🟡 Medium ❌ No (Off-label)
Groin & Under-Breast 50–100 units N/A (varied areas) Along skin folds 4–6 months 🟢 Low-Medium ❌ No (Off-label)


Results appear in 3–7 days, peak at 2 weeks.
Repeat treatments are needed every 4–6 months.
Pain levels vary—palms, soles, and scalp require numbing or anesthesia.
Only underarm hyperhidrosis is FDA-approved; all other areas are treated off-label.

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